Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Shelter Services

These Housing Stability Services are brought to you by the Waco Housing Authority and Affiliates through a grant by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Services.


This service provides benefits, including emergency clothing and food along with household items for clean and safe daily living.

Hygiene Kits

Hygiene kits are available for you and your family to assure proper sanitation of self and living facilities. Various kits will be available.

Short-Term Motel/Hotel Stays

HSS is able to ensure a temporary hotel stay for you if you have no other means of shelter. A 30-day stay can be arranged with local hotels. However, upon receiving a hotel stay, HSS is requiring you to complete an assessment notifying us of your plans to find a permanent home. Once your 30=day stay is completed, HSS expects you to be ready to move to your permanent location.