Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Specialized Services

These Housing Stability Services are brought to you by the Waco Housing Authority and Affiliates through a grant by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Services.


HSS will provide child care expenses for you if you are in the process of searching for a job. Once you have accepted a job, HSS can also provide two additional months of childcare expenses. Once you start working and need further child care, HSS can refer you to the Texas Workforce Center Childcare Management System.
List of Day Care Centers


Transportation can be provided in the form of bus passes and they will be made available to qualifying applicants.

Disabled Services

HSS can work with DARS (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services) to assist individuals with disabilities in the communities. Services that can be provided to these individuals can include wheelchairs, walkers and other disability tools.


Services provided to seniors through HSS can be joined with various senior centers that can help with senior needs, especially in securing senior living quarters.