Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Housing Stability Services Program

Available 24/7

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Funded by Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs


Job Readiness/Job Search

Ten Steps To A Job Search: Organizing your efforts, perfecting networking skills, interviewing tips and techniques and creation of a professional resume; Interviewing Gets The Job: Every aspect of the interview including preparing your personal portfolio, how to dress, what questions to ask, not to ask, and how to ask them; Completing Employment Applications: Tips for completing handwritten, as well as web-based applications; Introduction to Resume Writing: Create a professional resume that is suitable to the job type.

Interviewing Gets the JobPDF

 Interviewing Gets The Job – Before The Interview (Video)

Interviewing Gets The Job- Before The InterviewVIDEO

Interviewing Gets The Job-During And After The Interview  (Video)

Interviewing Gets The Job-During And After The InterviewVIDEO

Ten Steps to a Job SearchPDF

Job Search after a Job Loss

Job Search after a Job LossVIDEO

Introduction to Resume WritingPDF

Web Based Employment AppsPDF

Stay on ScheduleAUDIO

Accepting the Job of Finding a JobAUDIO

Get OrganizedAUDIO

Discover LeadsAUDIO

Create a NetworkAUDIO

Make ContactsAUDIO